Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Good Christian Men --- Rejoice!!

As the mother of girls who are grown up -- or almost grown up -- I have had the chance lately to be extremely grateful for the good Christian men in my life and in the lives of my children.  It's a new kind of terrifying to have a daughter old enough that she could choose to get married if she wanted to.  It's less terrifying because she's smart and even less terrifying because she has good Grandpas, a good Dad, and lots and lots of good Uncles to look to as a guide for what a good Christian man is like.  So today I want to say a quick thank you, thank you, thank you to all of the men who know how to live the gospel in such a way that my girls look up to you and enjoy your company.  I have hopes that my girls will find someone like you.

To all of the wives of those men -- give them a thanks from me.  Because of them I can be more hopeful than terrified.  My girls will, when the time is right, find good Christian men -- and then we can rejoice!


cold cocoa said...

I've been thinking about that lately. About the married part, and who will babysit my kids when Trisa gets married.
That is great she's got a lot of good examples in her life!

TisforTonya said...

hear hear!!!

Megz said...

Good men are out there and hopefully they are smart enough to choose those good girls who are patiently (or impatiently) waiting for them.
I can't wait to plan Trisa's wedding with her....

Marcy said...

Love your new heading picture, where were you?
For inquiring minds- I got the washer fixed yesterday and it is working great! But I've been told if one more thing goes wrong with it, it's outta here! :)

LC said...

What a great message Sher.