Monday, February 11, 2013

Jake Had Fun!

I have taken to asking Jake if he had fun, or enjoyed the different activities that he does.  I almost always get a shrug with the comment, "sort of", or "a little".  I tease him about this, and he smiles, but still doesn't describe his activities with much enthusiasm.  However, when he came home from his birthday date with his Grandma and Grandpa C. and I asked if he had fun he smiled really big and said "Yes!" 

They took him to Wendy's where he ate all of his chicken nuggets, all of his fries, and his frosty.  He went to the BYU art museum and saw the Monsters and Heroes exhibit.  I'm afraid he didn't find the artwork very impressive (his words) so that was only -- shrug -- "okay".  Then he got to pick his own present.  He was extremely pleased about that and worked for quite a long time after he got home until he had his Lego Chima Eris Eagle put together.

I love Jake, and am continually trying to figure out what he enjoys the most.  I'm thankful for Grandparents that love him too, and spend time and money making him really happy.  Jake does enjoy grandparents, and all the nice things they do!  He's smart that way.

1 comment:

LC said...

Happy Birthday Jake and a great cultural outing to the museum. The grandparents really know how to put on a good celebration.