Monday, November 2, 2015

Emma's Wedding

On September 26th, my sister Jenny's birthday, Emma got married in Rexburg Idaho to Kyle (from Washington).  Emma is my sister Tina, and her husband Chris' daughter.  We were really happy to get to go and be there for the wedding.  I got a few pictures -- none of which are very great -- but there's no going back in time and fixing that!
Kyle, the groom, made the cake.  He worked on it while we helped decorate for the reception.

Emma made the paper flowers on the backdrop, and her brother Stephen made the backdrop.
My sister Tina made the beautiful wedding dress.

Emma and Kyle

My Dad, who was still in some pain, and was a bit unstable because of his back surgery, made the trip
from St. George to Payson, and then with us from Payson to Idaho, all in one day because he really did NOT want to miss Emma's wedding!

Beautiful cousins.
Lauren, Kayli, Emma, and Madeline
It was a beautiful day for a wedding in Rexburg, and we were very happy to be there for our super sweet niece Emma.  Hopefully, amidst all of the celebration, and her travels, Jenny managed to have a good day too.  Family is the best!

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