Friday, October 26, 2018

The Joy of a Blank Bulletin Board

On one of the days when I decided cleaning sounded fun, I was cleaning our office and noticed the mostly ignored bulletin board.  It was full of outdated schedules and past events.  I took all of them off and found myself faced with an almost blank bulletin board.  My reaction?  Joy!  I could try to create something meaningful and beautiful!  That sounded fun.

It's not perfect, but I like the messages on it, and I like that I can try to find quotes and pictures that will make me happy, and remind me to love more, and love better, which is my constant goal.

Almost all of the things on this bulletin board came from my old Magnolia Magazines.  The quote from the top right is from Lucy Maud Montgomery's character Ann of Green Gables:

"Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about?  It just makes me feel glad to be alive -- it's such an interesting world."

The love your neighbor signs have ideas on them:

"Make someone's day by tackling one of her or his everyday chores."

"Sharing fresh-cut blooms brightens days no matter what the occasion."

"Expand your giving to encompass those who enrich your life in ways both large and small."

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