Thursday, January 23, 2020

Thankfully Recognizing My Limits

This morning when I woke up and dragged myself out to join the family, I found a bit of chaos and panic.  Dan had belatedly remembered that he had a paper that need to be signed, but he couldn't find his folder.  He was convinced his teacher would make him run until he threw up if he didn't bring that paper to gym class today.  He missed the bus, but Jake drives anyway and so once the paper was found and signed, and Jake's papers were signed (last minute Mom homework) they went off to school, and Derek got ready and headed to work.

That left me here with the burst of energy that comes from running around in a hurry in the morning.  I started enthusiastically thinking of all I could do today.  I could clean out my cedar chest, the office closet, the desk, and this big messy room.  I could get the storage room in shape so there aren't so many things to trip on lying on the floor.  I could write, and study!  I could do the Walmart shopping!  It all sounded great, and I am thankful for times of enthusiasm and "I can accomplish anything!" type moments.  I am also thankful that I did realize that I really could not do all of that in one day.  At least not without doing a poor job, exhausting myself, and breaking all of the "don't do too much" instructions from the physical therapist.

I am thankful that I actually kind of like doing all of the things listed above.  I am thankful I have a house, and things to organize and clean.  I am also thankful I don't have to accomplish all of that in one day and that, in spite of all of these things I could do, people are still the priority.

*Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash

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