Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tiny One

Picture by Nathan Green
A tiny baby in a giant world.
A God, recognized by few.
Creator of the very world
He then came and was born into.
The heavens knew, a star was born.
Angels rejoiced and sang their joy.
Shepherds, awakened before the morn,
Left right away to find the boy.
What hope came with this tiny one!
False hopes to those who didn't know
He would atone for the wrongs they'd done,
Not save them from a Roman's blow.
He grew, one man in a giant world;
Creator, brother, Savior too,
As many went throughout their days
Not knowing the great work He would do.
He saves from sin, and death, and pain
From sorrow, and despair, and pride.
He leads us all back home again,
If we choose to stay by His side.
by Sher

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