Friday, September 21, 2018

Bridal Shower / Wedding Gifts

Tia's aunts threw a bridal shower for her at her Grandma Christensen's house.  There were some games that I thought were fun, tasty snacks, and the chance for Tia to be dressed in the wrapping paper all of her gifts came in.  This is apparently a tradition because that is what was done to me at my bridal shower at Tia's Grandma's house!
Tia!  Trisa on the right.

I understand that Tia was NOT happy that I sent this picture to Mike.  Oops!

Lots of presents were mailed to our house.  This is two of them being held by Jake and Kayli.
I do not have a list of everyone that came to the shower, but Tia told the story of how she met Mike and how she ended up getting engaged to him.  A lot of Tia's younger girl cousins were there and they enjoyed the story very much (as did the rest of us).  Aunt Megan told Tia to take a couple of minutes to tell the story and then laughed at the long 2 minutes that was more like 20 minutes.  Still, I think it was most people's favorite part of the event.

Anna Kennington, a friend and my girl's former piano teacher came and so did my friend Shellie.  Shannon and her daughter "Little Megan" could only come for a few minutes, but I was glad they stopped by.  As always, all of Tia's aunts that could make it were there.

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