Friday, September 21, 2018

Fuller Family Reunion

(I meant to post this before the Bean Museum -- oops!  This happened first!)

This year the Fuller Family Reunion started the last day of May and went until June 2nd when my Dad turned 80.  The reunion was held in St. George.  Trisa, Tia and Mike, Kayli, Jake and Dan were all there with Derek and me.  We made some little video clips of people saying happy birthday to Connor to send to his companion who was preparing something for Connor.  The pictures with Trisa and Derek were me trying to take video I think :-)

We spent most of our time at Jenny's house visiting, swimming, and relaxing.  Jenny and Jeff ended up doing a lot of the work but we did try to help.  I hardly got any pictures.  I enjoyed watching Derek talk to Kelli.  They always seem to enjoy one another's company.  We had a dinner and a talent show at the clubhouse in my parent's neighborhood.  It was fun except for the part where I fell while taking stuff to the car.  I couldn't see that I was getting ready to walk off the curb.  Oops!

I had two or three days worth of radiation left after the reunion, and then I was done.  Yay!

Silly Derek with Trisa

Derek and Trisa again!

My Mom with the Rainbow Ridge Singers performing for my Dad's birthday gathering.

Derek and I went to take a picture of the statue of Robert Gardner Jr. for his cousin Ricki Gardener.

Across the street from the statue, was a giant spider statue along with pretty flowers.

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