Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Beginning Of An Adventure

On Monday morning cousin Tyler kindly came and picked up Kayli and me and drove us to the Provo airport.  This is us walking backwards so I could get a picture of us and the plane we were getting ready to board.  We got on the plane and sat across the aisle from one another while we flew to LAX.  Then, for the first time in my life, I rented a car!  Usually Derek does that and bravely drives around on unfamiliar roads.  This time, it was my turn to be brave.  We had a little red car we called the "cranberry" and driving didn't end up being a problem.  Hallelujah!!

We went to Rodondo Beach Pier and walked around while our little studio apartment (a converted garage) was being readied for us.  We also went to a two story Target where we bought me a beach hat and us some food.  It was fun to get to send our cart down a cool cart elevator!  Then we headed to our apartment where some complementary wine was waiting for us because the room wasn't ready on time.  Ha!  It's still there waiting for someone else.  We explained that we didn't drink, and the nice lady explained that she didn't either.  The wine had been a gift to her.

Our "apartment" was an old converted garage behind someone's house.  We went under a spider web with a creepy spider in it and through a creaky gate beside a house and then down a little path to the door.  The spider is likely still there.  The inside was pretty cute.  You'd think I would have taken a picture!  The bathroom was interesting.  I have never seen such a little toilet in my life.  I've seen slightly shorter ones in the nursery at church, but never such a little one!  There was a matching tiny little sink.  The shower was not in the room with the toilet and sink.  It was a shower with a glass door hiding behind a wall so that it was semi private.  There was plenty of hot water, but the shower leaked at the very top, and would make the paint beside the shower bubble up.  I'm thinking they'd better fix that ASAP!

We were going to finish out our day with Netflix, but the internet didn't work.  We used some good old fashioned bunny ear antennas to put on Barney Fife in the background as we read books.  We then went to bed without the nice white noise of a fan because the black fan was broken.

The bed was comfy, as was the couch, but both were under cabinets so you had to remember not to stand up by your pillow without ducking a little.  Poor Kayli.  She always remembered, but she watched me almost bonk my head several times, and actually bonk it three times.  Luckily they were soft bonks.

We made it safely there, saw a beach, and got some sleep to prepare for the next day.

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