Monday, November 23, 2020

My New Thanksgiving Tradition

 The Thanksgiving Chain

I had this idea last year, but I did it differently.  Last year I wrote down thankful activities and put them in a gift bag and pulled one out every day to do.  This time I wrote things on chain links -- a countdown to Thanksgiving that is also gratitude practice.  The activities are meant to be a boost not a burden, so they aren't big.  One was "Light a candle and contemplate your blessings".  I only did so, so at that one.  Todays was "write a Thanksgiving Poem".  The good thing is that you can make up anything you think you'd like to do, and if you forget -- you can do two one day -- or just move on without giving yourself a bad time!  We are being thankful, NOT judgmental!

I'm thankful for the birds that sing

I'm thankful for the change each season brings.

I'm thankful for clouds all fluffy and white

And white snow that gleams in the cold moon light

I'm thankful for storm clouds dark and fierce

And the lightning that lightens the night with each pierce.

I'm thankful for fall leaves blowing color around

Or crunching with each step that falls on the ground.

I'm thankful for sunlight that's bleaching and hot.

Heating my skin and the plants in their pots.

I'm thankful for shade, refreshing and cool.

And cool water that surrounds me when I jump in a pool.

I love the fresh green poking up from the ground

When there is no longer snow all around.

The blossoms in trees are incredibly grand

As are the flowers I can hold in my hand.

The smell of a fire, or a branch of fresh pine

Can bring on the memories that are good and divine.

The glory of nature, God's creatures around

Intricate wonders, they seem to abound.

The laughter of children, the smile of a friend,

The kind words of others, thanks to give without end.

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