Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Connection and Gratitude

 I like my alone time.  I like doing a lot of things that are usually done alone.  I often read alone, write alone, sing alone, clean alone, organize alone, bake alone -- I do any number of things alone and enjoy myself just fine.  However, I am often happiest when I am talking with others, listening to others, or doing things with others.  I love people, and too much time alone usually finds me starting to feel down and focusing too much on what is wrong instead of the multitude of things that are good and right. So this week I am trying to focus on connecting with people.

I am also working on gratitude, both generally, and as it relates to the people I know.  I have found over and over that gratitude is one of the most important keys to happiness.  This past week when I had a day where I didn't feel as well as I wanted I was discouraged.  The next day when I woke up, I was reminded that though my joints and head often ache, and I don't have the large amounts of energy I would like, there is so very much about my body that works right.  I can see!  I am so glad to see the beauty in the world around me.  I can hear!  I love the sounds of nature, and the wonder and joy of music!  I can taste!  So many with covid have lost this ability for a short, or even a long, time.  How hard that must be!  I can walk and even run (for a little bit and not so fast -- but hey -- it's running!).  

I am glad that technology gives us ways to connect even if we can't meet together in person so much, and I am thankful for people, especially family and friends, who help me stay happy through sharing their time with me.

**Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash  (I love Crocuses!)

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