Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Word of the Year: Seasons

Me, Kayli and Teddy on a hike up Santaquin Canyon

Towards the end of last year I talked about Seasons and how I was studying each season and trying to come up with a health plan that revolved around the Seasons.  I decided at some point that my word of the year would be Seasons.  I even got a wall calendar called "SEASONS" that has beautiful pictures of each month.

One of the things that I am trying to implement as a part of my winter Season is getting outside more -- and specifically into parks and canyons if possible.  This gets me into nature to see the beauty that exists in winter, and it gets me a bit of sunshine.  Kayli and Derek are very helpful with this.  It helps to have a Teddy that needs some exercise.  I need it too -- but I enjoy it less than he does!

I hiked Santaquin canyon with Kayli one day and with Kayli, Derek, Jake and Dan the next day.  I was more tired the second day and cried on the hike, which I was hoping I was past doing.  Sigh.  Kayli was very kind (she was the one walking with me).  I have issues with being the slowest that I am working on dealing with in a better way (like being okay with being slow).  

All of the pictures above are from Santaquin Canyon.  Today we went up Payson canyon and I didn't get any pictures -- but Dan did.  He tried to send them to me, but they haven't arrived.  The Canyons are beautiful.  Today I didn't cry, but I turned around and went down before everyone else.  Instead of getting in the car though, I went up into the woods above the car where there wasn't a trail and tromped around.  I like woods in the snow, and I like walking among the trees and making my own trail so I thought that was fun.  

1 comment:

Mike said...

Happy New Year Sherie! I'd like to get out a little more myself. We have bears,panthers,coyotes,wolves,etc. And it's OK to be slow. Jenn is usually 25 to 50 feet in front of me at Wal-Mart.Hope everyone is doing well and dodging the Rona. Stay well!Love ya!