Thursday, April 22, 2021

Getting Away

 Derek and I felt like we could really use a break, and so we scheduled time to go to St. George.  Thankfully, Derek's parents rearranged their schedule a little to allow us to use their nice St. George house even though there was a bit of a mix up with our scheduling.  On the way there we stopped in Cedar City to see Connor and Amanda who we don't get to see too often, and we got to meet Rocky who was visiting from the Phillipines (and who knows Japanese and who Connor enjoys talking to in Japanese).  We played Apples to Apples and it was fun.  I maintain that it would have been fun even if I hadn't won :-)

Me, Connor, Amanda, and friend Rocky

This is Derek and me traveling to St. George.  We were just sending pictures off to Kayli for fun.

Friday Derek and I walked around the botanical gardens and then we went out to Gunlock Reservoir.  This was the scene of my torn hamstring three years ago.  It still bugs me, but I did NOT re-injure it while we were there.  It was a drier year this year so there were no puddles for me to jump over and accidentally hurt myself.

Someone made a cool hut thing.  It wasn't us!

Derek and me at the reservoir

The clouds were pretty awesome on the way there!

This is the tree we saw that Derek loved and wished we could have in our yard -- and we could!  It would just be dead after winter.  It was meant for warmer climates.

We took dinner to my parent's house on Friday night and Trisa came too, with Chewy.  The next day my Mom fixed us and Ray and Lori dinner and we visited again.  It is always good to see them, and I seem to always fail to pull out the camera and document our visit!  On Saturday we went to Ray and Lori's property and saw their footings.  Their house building project has begun!

It was really good to have a get away with Derek.  

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