Saturday, December 4, 2021


This really isn't a recent picture of our new home. 
I'd better stop stalling and take one!

 I have been stalling.  One answer to prayer I received was that I need to learn, to write, and to spend time playing and creating music.  Those are happy answers, but I am good at stalling.  I will write after I move, or I will write once we are settled, or there is ALWAYS the idea that I will write when I have something that feels a little more brilliant to say!  I will write when I'm not tired, or I don't have a headache, or when every little circumstance is perfect for writing.  But all of those things really add up to me not writing anything at all!

So, here I am not stalling.  Trying to honor the answer I received from the loving, wise, amazing creator who is Father of us all.  Even if I am not writing I am always thinking, and often studying or learning about something.  I have been thinking a lot about hospitality.  We moved into our beautiful, friendly blue house.  We are surrounded by the beauty of God's creations every single day, and I want to share the love evident in those creations with others.  I am planning to have hospitality as my word of the year, and am enjoying coming up with the best ways to implement that!

I also want to keep from forgetting all of the other words I have worked on -- including "Gratitude".  I am so grateful for my family and all of my wonderful friends and for the sweet grand baby that joined our family in October.  What a gift!

I do not want Heavenly Father to stall in answering prayers, or sending blessings, so I had better work on not stalling to do what He has told me to do!

Smiley Brigham

Not the picture hanging over the fireplace, but still one of my favorites!

1 comment:

Happy Mom said...

What a beautiful family photo! I can see why you love it! Everyone so happy and just as you like it! Your house is so beautiful! I need to come visit you in person I’m the new year! I am always happy when you are writing. And I loved your thoughts about not stalking when you get answers. And that’s something I also want to rekindle in the new year. (Which sounds like stalling!) 😂