Almost a month ago Dan turned 9. He was a good and happy birthday boy. He really wanted a party this year, and so we took a cousin and a couple of other friends and went to Lowe's Xtreme Sports. This is a place with lots of trampoline's, a climbing wall, and a "Ninja Warrior" course. It was interesting to watch the kids play, because they mostly played by themselves, occasionally stopping to talk to each other when their paths crossed. They did play together some -- just not a lot. After that we came home to find that the house had been decorated, and the pizza was on the way. It was a fun party for Dan.
Mason and Dan. Dan loved the notebook. He writes and draws in it often. |
Jocelyn and the presents she gave Dan. He loved all of his presents. |
Noelle and Dan. |
It is possible that Dan was faking this for me because, naturally, I somehow didn't manage to get the real thing. |
On Dan's actual birthday he opened presents. Trisa and Travis came to celebrate with Dan too. What a lucky boy! Not too long after presents we took a trip to St. George to go and hear cousin Weston speak before his mission. Dan loves visiting the cousins in St. George -- and their technology. When we got to St. George we visited my parents first -- and even though my parents had already given Dan some money, my Mom spoiled him with a bag of presents. Naturally, he thought that was pretty awesome.
Morning presents. Dan and his new turtle. I like this picture. |
The more normally dramatic picture was blurry. This is Dan and his birthday loot. |
Travis, Trisa holding Dan, Connor, and Jake on birthday morning. |
Dan opening presents at Grandma's He had birthday cake at Grandma's too -- but the picture wasn't taken with my camera. |
The other fun thing Dan did for his birthday was to go out with Grandma and get food. They ate while watching Scooby Doo at Grandma's and then he went and got a present of a shirt and legos. He loves his time with Grandma (and Grandpa too) and he is a huge fan of getting presents.
Dan is a good and happy boy. He gives us lots of entertainment, fun, and love. He had a very happy 9th birthday.