We go for a lot of walks. Sometimes we don't make it out. Sometimes we go twice. Sometimes all of us go. Sometimes just some. One day when we went, Dan was required to come, but the walk was much longer than he hoped for and he started having some pain -- I can't remember where -- maybe a foot. We tried to bed sympathetic, and hoped he'd not be too miserable before he got home, but otherwise didn't do anything -- not even stop for a break. But pretty soon I looked over and Jake was giving Dan a ride on his back. I didn't think to take a picture soon enough. Jake carried Dan uphill much longer than I thought he would.
Here he was just putting him down. Dan was thankful for Jake mentioning what a good brother he is, and as the Mom of both boys, I am thankful that they get along (not that they don't argue, and Jake does like to tease Dan into getting frustrated like a "normal" brother), but they spend time together and are good friends even though they are 4 and 1/2 years different in age.Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Monday, November 23, 2020
My New Thanksgiving Tradition
The Thanksgiving Chain
I had this idea last year, but I did it differently. Last year I wrote down thankful activities and put them in a gift bag and pulled one out every day to do. This time I wrote things on chain links -- a countdown to Thanksgiving that is also gratitude practice. The activities are meant to be a boost not a burden, so they aren't big. One was "Light a candle and contemplate your blessings". I only did so, so at that one. Todays was "write a Thanksgiving Poem". The good thing is that you can make up anything you think you'd like to do, and if you forget -- you can do two one day -- or just move on without giving yourself a bad time! We are being thankful, NOT judgmental!I'm thankful for the birds that sing
I'm thankful for the change each season brings.
I'm thankful for clouds all fluffy and white
And white snow that gleams in the cold moon light
I'm thankful for storm clouds dark and fierce
And the lightning that lightens the night with each pierce.
I'm thankful for fall leaves blowing color around
Or crunching with each step that falls on the ground.
I'm thankful for sunlight that's bleaching and hot.
Heating my skin and the plants in their pots.
I'm thankful for shade, refreshing and cool.
And cool water that surrounds me when I jump in a pool.
I love the fresh green poking up from the ground
When there is no longer snow all around.
The blossoms in trees are incredibly grand
As are the flowers I can hold in my hand.
The smell of a fire, or a branch of fresh pine
Can bring on the memories that are good and divine.
The glory of nature, God's creatures around
Intricate wonders, they seem to abound.
The laughter of children, the smile of a friend,
The kind words of others, thanks to give without end.
Sunday, November 22, 2020
The Imperfectly Perfect Family Home Evening
Derek planned home evening for us a couple of weeks ago. We started by reading some of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's talk Be Ye Therefore Perfect -- Eventually. Here is one of my favorite quotes from that talk:If we think we have to be perfect at something before we try, we will miss out on a lot of good experiences!
"...as children of God, we should not demean or vilify ourselves, as if beating up on ourselves is somehow going to make us the person God wants us to become. No! With a willingness to repent and a desire for increased righteousness always in our hearts, I would hope we could pursue personal improvement in a way that doesn’t include getting ulcers or anorexia, feeling depressed or demolishing our self-esteem. That is not what the Lord wants for Primary children or anyone else who honestly sings, “I’m trying to be like Jesus.”We then were all given a picture for us to do our best painting -- without being harsh judges of ourselves. I think they turned out pretty awesome!
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Our Trip to St. George
Towards the end of October we went to St. George and stayed in the "St. George House" that belongs to Derek's parents. It was a good break and we got to see a lot of family members. The weather was lovely, and sometimes it is just good to get away. I didn't take a ton of pictures, but I did take some!
This is Jenny and Kayli at Contact Climbing Gym which is being built by Jenny and Jeff and their partners who I don't really know. It's fun to have entrepreneurs in the family so we can get an inside look at the climbing gym / yoga studio before it opens!
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Oops. This is a blurry one of Kayli, Teddy, Trisa and Chewy |
This place is really huge! On the blue extention thing (?) was Jeff, Derek, Dan, and Jake -- way up near the ceiling!
You can see the people better in this picture.
This is Chewy, Jenny, Kayli and Teddy. The climbing walls got started being built on my birthday. I didn't get a picture of the actual wooden part of the wall that was going up. They are much farther along now. I also didn't get a picture of Jenny's Yoga studio. She and Jeff had worked hard and put in the floor themselves. Jenny will be running the yoga studio, and will have a Yoga Teacher Certification program too. I'm always impressed with this sister of mine!
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Halloween 2020
Derek has been working from home since March, and so when he was required to dress up for a work meeting in honor of Halloween, we got to see him!
Tia gave Derek the wookie suit a few years ago and it came in handy this year! Teddy is in the picture because he loves hanging out with Derek:-)Dan wanted to be a muppet this year. He wanted the mouth to move. He was so pumped to make this costume. Then he sat on the couch and played a game while I tried to figure out how to make a muppet with the cloth we found at D.I.. Sigh. He wore the costume for about five minute. It took me a lot longer than that to make it, and I was kind of grumpy that day, but it turned out kind of fun.We had a ward trunk or treat Halloween afternoon. It was fun to see happy kids. Then we had chili and scones and hot citrus. Derek, thankfully, helped make the chili so that wasn't too bad, and I actually liked it! I'm not a fan of beans, but we used black beans and pinto beans and apparently it's the kidney beans I really don't like. All in all it was a happy Halloween where we actually used all of our Halloween candy up!
Monday, November 9, 2020
"Into The Woods To Find a Friend"
That is a quote from the musical "Into the Woods" and it is from a song that often gets stuck in my head when we go to the woods for a walk. We've done that a couple of times lately.
This is Kayli, Trisa, and me on our way up Payson Canyon on Oct. 3rd. Derek was driving and Dan was in the back. Jake was working.Me, Derek, and Kayli (behind Derek's shoulder).
Dan. I'm not sure what he's doing, but our shadows are pretty awesome!
Derek and I went hiking up in Elk Ridge the other day and this was the view from up where we went.
We went again with the kids a few days later only we went farther and Dan wanted me to take this picture. Unfortunately, the picture doesn't do justice to how pretty it was!
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Park City With Derek
Derek and I had on the calendar for quite a while a trip to Park City. When Dan asked why we were going I told him it was a late birthday trip, but it really was just some time with Derek that I really, really wanted. Time away. Our lives are good. We have good kids, and a nice place to stay, but I really do love having Derek to myself sometimes! The weather was beautiful (It was the weekend of Oct. 10).
Derek and me in front of a random waterfall somewhere in Park City.This was taken in a Halloween Store for the benefit (?) of our kids who hate clowns.
We watched some people practicing ski jumps into a pool. It was pretty cool! You can see someone flying upside down in this picture.
We found this little cemetery by accident and enjoyed walking around. Most of the graves were quite old, but there were a few newer ones.
This was a picture of a wire / rock wall in case we ever want to try to build one. They did a good job on this one!
We stopped at this little lake in Midway on the way home, and then Derek stopped at BYU duck pond because I wasn't quite done with vacation yet and wanted to chat. We don't have a picture of that.
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Trisa's Birthday
Back in October our oldest daughter Trisa had a birthday! She came home so we got to properly celebrate with her. I am so grateful for this daughter of mine. She is very incredible. Being the oldest child isn't always a piece of cake, but I think she does oldest child perfectly. That doesn't mean she's perfect, but that she deals with all of life's hardships and challenges with as much love, patience, and forgiveness as she can muster while clinging to her faith and while helping those around her on the way.
This is Trisa sitting by some of her biggest fans. Jake, Chewy and Teddy. Actually, Trisa has lots of fans -- though she probably thinks of us as family and friends and students :-)Trisa in her new coat, and Mike in the background.
Trisa opening some more presents by Jake. And yes, we think it's fine to wear Christmas leggings all year long!
Have I mentioned that I love Trisa? Trisa teaches kindergarten and loves her students even though they sometimes are kind of naughty. She has some honorary nieces that she really enjoys, and she has some very loyal and kind friends that I love with all of my heart because they love her. I hope this year is full of much happiness for our Trisa!
Friday, November 6, 2020
One of the good things I learned from Business Insider is that cold temperatures can help people think more clearly, which I think means I will all of a sudden be smarter if I go outside :-) There are other things too, but that was my favorite.
What's hard about winter? It's dark. And often cold. It's kind of gray, and not fun to drive around in if it's slushy or icy. I can start to feel trapped, or like I spent the best part of my days inside working instead of enjoying the smaller amount of sunshine.
So here are some ideas I want to try for dealing with the dark.
1. In the dark music sessions
2. Candlelight (It makes the dark romantic instead of bleak).
3. Twinkle lights or party lights. (Mine are already in place!)
4. Bright colored decor
5. Use a Happy Light (we love ours!)
6. Load the family in the car with a thermos of hot chocolate / hot citrus and go to someplace dark to look at the stars!
7. Hide and go seek is fun in the dark. Someone taught us about "Hide and go seek with socks". You don't wear socks necessarily. The person who is it uses them to throw at the people who are trying to sneak to home base. If you get hit with the socks you are out!
8. Wear warm clothes and go outside as much as possible -- especially to the woods, or a park.
9. Do service to brighten someone elses dark day!
10. Meditate, or offer up prayers of thanks.
11. Communicate with other people!
12. Do Tai Chi or Yoga
13. Work on an indoor hobby (painting, sewing, writing)
14. Play games or do puzzles
15. Make meals festive!
"In the depths of winter, I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer." Albert Camus
I'm hoping we can all discover an invincible summer inside ourselves no matter how dark, cold, and hard to deal with our winter may be!
Thursday, November 5, 2020
4 Seasons of Happiness Health Plan
Hi all! I was having a happy mental health day the other day. I spent over an hour at Barnes and Noble doing my best to find the "perfect" planner for me for the year ahead. This is something I love doing, and a planner is something I love having! As I was heading to the store I was thinking about a friend who had posted a health plan that she was excited to follow. I looked at it, but was less enthused about following it, and was pretty sure it wasn't for me -- but I like the idea of having a health plan! I decided that I could create my own!
I was contemplating gardening, and seasons of life, and all of the things we can learn from nature, and I decided to make a health plan for each season of the year. So, ever since then I have been studying up on winter. What is winter good for? What are the challenges of winter? How can the darker days be dealt with so as to not cause more depression? If I get nothing else out of this, I will have learned a few things and had a good time trying to create something good!
For today I will just leave you with the quote I have decided to use for my whole "4 Seasons of Happiness Health Plan"
"We cannot stop the winter or the summer from coming. We cannot stop the spring or the fall or make them other than they are. They are gifts from the universe that we cannot refuse. But we can choose what we will contribute to life when each arrives." Gary Zukhav