I think it is natural for us to want to fix the problems of the people we love. We look at their life from the outside and it seems so simple! Why can't they see that all they need to do is ... (fill in the blank). But life is more complicated than that, and we are not always as wise as we think we are. Most often, the best thing we can do is listen to try to understand, and love people where they are without telling them how they could "get better". I know that I have made the mistake of counseling when I really just didn't understand and when my counsel hadn't been asked for. My intentions were good, but all I managed to do is show that I thought I was above them in some way. Generally people want someone to walk beside them and love them how they are. We are, at least most of us, perfectly capable of knowing where we are failing, and maybe even how we "should" fix it.
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Listen and Love
I think it is natural for us to want to fix the problems of the people we love. We look at their life from the outside and it seems so simple! Why can't they see that all they need to do is ... (fill in the blank). But life is more complicated than that, and we are not always as wise as we think we are. Most often, the best thing we can do is listen to try to understand, and love people where they are without telling them how they could "get better". I know that I have made the mistake of counseling when I really just didn't understand and when my counsel hadn't been asked for. My intentions were good, but all I managed to do is show that I thought I was above them in some way. Generally people want someone to walk beside them and love them how they are. We are, at least most of us, perfectly capable of knowing where we are failing, and maybe even how we "should" fix it.
Monday, January 25, 2021
Good Neighbors
Good neighbors have made a huge difference in my life for good. Neighbors that lived beside me, behind me, or nowhere near to me. People who brought treats or dinners, people who gave compassion and sympathy. People who smiled, or waved. People who carried heavy things when I couldn't, or did other things I couldn't do for myself. Among my greatest "neighbors" are my own family members who have given me love when I didn't feel like I deserved it, and taken care of things I couldn't manage to do alone. Today is a good day to reflect on all of the good neighbors and to reflect on how I can be a better one!
*Photo by Derick McKinney on Unsplash
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Trials: Then What?
In a meeting I attended via Zoom yesterday, Elder Suarez said that we were going to talk about trials. People had sent in a lot of questions on how to endure trials and not just endure them, but endure them in such a way that our faith and the faith of those around us are strengthened. He began by talking about preparedness and how if we are prepared we wouldn't fear (Doctrine & Covenants 38:30).
Today, as I thought about this I wondered what happens if we have a trial that feels like it has caught us completely unaware. It seems to come out of left field, and hit us like a ton of bricks. We do not feel prepared. And, we might be afraid. Is it too late then to endure that trial well?
I do not think so. Even if we have tried our whole lives to prepare for every eventuality, we are human, and we really can't succeed completely. It will help for sure, but some trials are just going to catch us unaware and feeling unprepared. Sometimes I think we are going to experience fear. But then what? I think that is the most important thing. Then what?
Always the Lord is waiting for us to turn to Him. Always He is wanting to help us. Sometimes in those trials we feel so unprepared for and are afraid of, we are going to need to choose to hope. We are going to need to choose to believe Christ when we fail to see Him or feel Him near. We are going to need to search out gratitude, and hang on to the grace given by Him and by the people near to us. And the more we do this, the more we will have faith in Christ, and the stronger that faith will be. The stronger our faith is, the more our fear will fade.
I think we need to know that if we are afraid, we are not bad, and we can work on preparedness in the midst of fear and trials. It is just important that we turn to Christ and not away from Him and that we do not give up. He loves us and He will not give up on us!
Friday, January 22, 2021
Looking Forward to a Visit to The Dentist Office
Somehow she manages to get my teeth clean while we chat. She remembers my children and asks how they are. She remembers things I wouldn't think she'd remember since I'm sure she is as thoughtful to everyone. I got to hear about her new house when they were building and now she got to hear about mine. I believe she really cares about me, and it makes me happy to see her.
One of the things that I love most about living in the same town for so long is that I have found places to go for various needs that have people who recognize me and are happy to see me. That is a really nice thing! I am thankful for people who do their work with an extra bit of kindness thrown in. They make a bigger difference than they may realize!
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Wednesday's Drama
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Tuesday was my regularly scheduled mammogram. I'm 3 years away from my original cancer finding mammogram, and so it had actually been a whole year since my last one and I was nervous. What ifs ran through my mind a lot, and my fortune cookie said something helpful like "You will be brave as you face adversity". I even made a plan for how I'd handle things this time.
I was hoping for one of the nice "diagnostic mammograms" where they show the doctor right away and I would get the verdict before I left. No such luck. Christine, who I've seen several years in a row was sympathetic. She has her own serious health issues and understands the worry of not knowing for sure, but there was nothing she could do but say sorry, they'll read it tomorrow.
Wednesday comes and I am happily treasure hunting at the D.I. when my phone rings. It was Christine from the hospital asking if my doctors had called yet. No. No they hadn't. She said she knew I was worried and she wanted me to know that the doctor saw something, probably nothing to worry about, and wanted more pictures and maybe an ultrasound. She offered to schedule a time and, I think thanks to Covid, there were open times that day. I went in again. Had more pictures which they hoped would make the spot disappear. Nope. Then Christine came with me to the ultrasound and the ultrasound guy took pictures, once he found something, and said the doctor might want to see -- but then came back soon saying he was wrong and the doctor said it was fine.
I have a cyst. A "non-worrisome" cyst. I also had a visible lymph node. We have those all over and apparently they occasionally "show up" in various places. As long as they aren't too big that's okay. So, because of my history, and to be safe, I will go back in 6 months and make sure all is the same. End of drama ..... almost.
I got ready to go and started searching all of my pockets for my keys. I emptied my purse twice. I patted my coat and pants pockets a ridiculous amount of times since they obviously weren't there. Christine walked with me back and forth to the two different rooms searching couch cushions and chair cushions and the floor. Nothing. We went to the check-in desk. Nothing. She walked outside with me to see if I dropped them as I walked in. Nothing.
And then I got near enough to the car to hear it. It was running! I must have been a bit nervous when I arrived, and I was distracted by the Life Flight helicopter taking off. I watched it as memories of watching Jake's life flight helicopter take off from my hospital room ran through my head. Thankfully, after having been in the hospital for almost an hour, the car was still there, quietly keeping warm in the parking lot. Totally not good for the planet to have it running, but it was good for me that nobody stole it!
One last thing. I am thankful for Christine who was very thoughtful and kind, going out of her way to help me, and to try and make everything less stressful. It was very appreciated.
**Photo by Angiola Harry on Unsplash
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Connection and Gratitude
I like my alone time. I like doing a lot of things that are usually done alone. I often read alone, write alone, sing alone, clean alone, organize alone, bake alone -- I do any number of things alone and enjoy myself just fine. However, I am often happiest when I am talking with others, listening to others, or doing things with others. I love people, and too much time alone usually finds me starting to feel down and focusing too much on what is wrong instead of the multitude of things that are good and right. So this week I am trying to focus on connecting with people.
I am also working on gratitude, both generally, and as it relates to the people I know. I have found over and over that gratitude is one of the most important keys to happiness. This past week when I had a day where I didn't feel as well as I wanted I was discouraged. The next day when I woke up, I was reminded that though my joints and head often ache, and I don't have the large amounts of energy I would like, there is so very much about my body that works right. I can see! I am so glad to see the beauty in the world around me. I can hear! I love the sounds of nature, and the wonder and joy of music! I can taste! So many with covid have lost this ability for a short, or even a long, time. How hard that must be! I can walk and even run (for a little bit and not so fast -- but hey -- it's running!).
I am glad that technology gives us ways to connect even if we can't meet together in person so much, and I am thankful for people, especially family and friends, who help me stay happy through sharing their time with me.
**Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash (I love Crocuses!)
Monday, January 18, 2021
Growing Green in Winter
When I was trying to think of things to try in winter to make it happier, my counselor friend Tammy suggested that I try growing sprouts. I didn't know if it would be worth it for me. I am picky. But I tried growing Broccoli sprouts. I put in too many seeds for one jar but it was miraculous to watch them go from seeds to sprouts to eat in one week!
Good news! I actually like them on my meat sandwiches! For vegetarians I imagine they are good on any sandwich besides maybe peanutbutter. So now they are in the fridge where I am trying to eat them before they are done being good (just a couple of days) and then I will grow more!
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Electricity to Build With!
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There is power going from the box to our new house. This has to be finished so that they can start framing. |
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This is a trench all along the front of our property. It is new and I'm not really sure what it's for, but it was fun to jump over so I could go check out the rest of the work! |
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Part of the cement has been uncovered I think. What do you think? |
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A view from the house out towards the neighbors house. You can see the rock and sand piles, the floor joists and the trench. |
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A closer look at the piles. |
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My van in the background, lots of rebar in the foreground. |
That's it! We looked at fireplaces and plumbing fixtures yesterday, and chose sinks today with the countertops. There are lots of choices to make and budgets to try to stay in! I asked today for a guess on when the framing would be done. I was told the middle of February. I am looking forward to seeing it in real life instead of on paper!
Friday, January 15, 2021
Move to Motivate
I was reading this morning (I know -- shocker!) a little book called Habits of Happiness by Wendy Ulrich and she was suggesting that we don't try to get motivated to exercise. That sounds all wrong since we all know that exercising and drinking more water seems to be half the answer to health woes -- the other half being eat well and get enough sleep. What she had to say made sense though because she explained that instead of waiting to be motivated to exercise, we should just do the littlest thing we can get ourselves to, which will lead to improvement, which may actually lead to exercise!
I've seen this work in my own life. I read once that if it sounds like too much to do 30 minutes of exercise, just get yourself to do 10. Because of that I have 10 minute exercise videos and I almost always found that if I did the 10 minutes, it wasn't so hard to keep going for at least 10 more! Or if I just stand up and put on an exercise video thinking I'll do just a couple of minutes, it's easier to keep going than I expect.
The author's examples made me smile. One person couldn't get herself to walk so she just stood on the treadmill and read the paper without moving. Eventually she decided she could walk really slowly for a minute of her reading time, and eventually that turned into walking for a pretty good amount of time -- all because she did the first thing.
For some reason getting moving can be really, really hard -- especially if we are tired or dreading the task. Once I start some dreaded task I can often work on it for a long time, but I have to be careful about that too! I used to dread working in the yard, but really I love working in the yard. I just used to keep going until everything was done and and put myself in pain and exhaustion and then I didn't ever want to go back out! I had to limit my time in the yard to more reasonable amounts. So maybe we can move to get motivated, and then be careful not to start out by trying to do so much more than we are used to that we start to hate the activity we want or need to do.
**Photo by Arek Adeoye on Unsplash
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Be Careful With Confession
Hi everyone. What I am about to write stems from an experience I had this morning. As I have pondered it a bit I came up with a few titles. One was "A Lesson From Confession", another was "It's a Trap!"(which I hear in my head being said by a Star Wars character). I suppose I could also have gone with "The Cons of Confession". But -- to the point.
As I was writing in my prayer journal this morning and got to the confession part I started contemplating yesterday. What did I need to confess? Well, some days are just good days. I realize I am gloriously imperfect, and there is no day where I do and say everything just right, but the problem came when I fell into the trap I've fallen into for years, and thankfully I recognized it before I got stuck. I started nit-picking myself. Trying to find everything "wrong" with me. I wrote down "I am selfish" and looked at it. I got out the white out. I got rid of that! I am a child of God who sometimes thinks of myself above others, but selfish is NOT who I am. So, instead I confessed that I was having trouble having compassion for myself and my imperfections, and then I moved on to repentance.
I was always taught that a part of repentance was recognizing what you did wrong, and I know that confession is sometimes necessary as a part of healing. However, I think, for me, it is easier to come at this all from the "return to Christ" perspective. How can I do better today at doing the Lord's will than I did yesterday? Focusing forward on what I can do better now helps me a lot more than focusing on every little thing I might have done or said wrong yesterday.
I also read something this morning that reminded me that Heavenly Father and Jesus are more inclined to remind us of our strengths and how, if we focus on using those for good, our weaknesses will often fall by the wayside. God corrects with compassion, and I'm inclined to confess with condemnation towards myself. So, my prayer journal may just be skipping the step of confession from now on and any confessing I need to do will fall under the heading of repentance. Be careful with confession!
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Christ as The Center of Home
Today I finished reading the book Creating A Christ-Centered Home by Emily Belle Freeman and I thought I would share with you her summary of the chapters -- which is kind of like a poem.
If you seek a house where He abides,
prepare to invite Him in.
If you seek a house of faith,
expect miracles.
If you seek a house of prayer,
converse with Him.
If you seek a house of scripture,
embrace the stories of Jesus.
If you seek a house of worship,
honor the day that is His.
If you seek a house of unity,
do nice and be sweet.
If you seek a house of grace,
remember His mercies.
If you seek a house of change,
let Him perform His great work.
If you seek a house of love,
provide a refuge for weary travelers.
If you seek a house of holiness,
walk with Him.
If you seek a house of gratitude,
let actions convey what words cannot express.
If you seek a house built upon a rock,
Make Christ the center of your home.
One last if. If you don't get what one of the above means, then you can read her book. She is good at explaining. It does us all good to contemplate Christ, and how we can bring Him and His love and grace into our homes to stay!
**Photo by Ella de Kross on Unsplash (I don't know anyone who lives in a home like the one pictured, but I loved it and I know that Christ can be the center of any home, no matter how small or great, if He is welcomed in!)
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Here is a quote that I think goes well with Sundays especially -- but really with any day and any time.
"No one can go back and make a brand new start, my friend; but anyone can start from here and make a brand new end."
Quote by Dan Zadra
None of us are perfect and so it is good to remember that even when we make terrible, frustrating mistakes, we can start again to change and make a brand new, and happier end.
**Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Monday, January 11, 2021
A Touch of Spring
We are currently living in a rental house. The upstairs of the house has one thing going for it that I love. It has nice windows that let in a lot of sunshine when sunshine is available!
This morning (and I'm writing this on Friday) I didn't feel as exhausted upon waking up as I had yesterday. It fact, it was one of those nice mornings where I had some energy. Perhaps energy, and sunshine, create a bit of the Spring feeling in my mind. Every where I went this morning, I felt a bit more like Spring than Winter!
In some of my research on Winter, I found a few quotes I like. I'll leave you with one:
"The color of springtime is flowers; the color of winter is in our imagination." Terri Guillemets
It's always a good time to use our imagination to bring a little bit of joyful color to a drab day -- or even a sunny one!
**Photo by Hasmik Ghazaryan Olson on Unsplash
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Noticing Good. Sharing Good.
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Did I just pick a random picture to go with this post? Yes. Yes I did. This is Dan and Me up in the mountains -- maybe on a Sunday. |
Have you ever had someone tell you that you are good at something? Or that you have a gift for something? Maybe they mention a characteristic you have when they are trying to find you and can't remember your name. It is really nice to have someone say what they see that we are good at! I was reading about this in a book this morning, and it reminded me of a couple of things.
Once, I went to visit my Aunt and Uncle from Missouri when they were staying in Orem. I was telling my Uncle H.D. about how much it had meant to me when a couple of his kids, David and Danny, would come and visit me in college. David would take me for rides on his motorcycle. He taught me to lean with the curves and I got to go shoe shopping with him so I could hold the shoes on the way back to Provo. Even before college they would both would ask me to dance at stake dances and they were tall and handsome and I was short, and somewhat insecure. What a difference they made to me! My Uncle then said, basically, "You are good at noticing and remembering the good in people." I have remembered that for years. I loved, admired and respected my Uncle (and still do even though he has passed on) and it meant a lot to me that he thought I was good at that. It made me want to be even better at it!
Another time I was at a large Christensen gathering for a family event. Maybe a baptism or a blessing of a niece or nephew and so there were people there that I didn't know as well. When one of them was leaving they asked "Where is the person with the big smile?" It turns out they were looking for me, to say goodbye! That was such a thoughtful thing to do, and such a nice way to look for me, and it was a blessing! My smile has not always been something I have been confident in. Even though I had braces I still have large front teeth with a little gap between them, and really, when I smile you see gums more than teeth. How nice for me that when I get insecure I often think back to this nice person who was looking for the "person with the big smile!" It makes me feel less self conscious, and more willing to share that big smile and hope it makes a difference to someone.
I love people who not only notice good things, but share them! I want to be like that all of the time!
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Forget Your Perfect Offering
"Forget your perfect offering -- there's a crack in everything -- that's how the light gets in."
From Anthem by Leonard Cohen
Have you ever tried to do something for someone and had it not work out like you wanted? I made dinner for neighbors once and it would not get done. The rice would not stop being crunchy. It took forever, was late, and then probably wasn't very good. It was far from a perfect offering. It was probably a good thing that I think someone else ended up taking dinner the same day. So, was my effort wasted? It was frustrating for sure, but I hope, even though the food was far from what I had intended, the light of love showed up with the food because of the effort.
Sometimes we just really, really want things to be perfect. We want to help someone, but we want to help them with food that is tasty (And hello! Nothing wrong with that one!). We want to say exactly the right thing, or give exactly the right gift! It's okay to want to do those things, and sometimes we will pull it off, but I know from experience that it's easy to not give things, or say words, or show up at all because we know it won't be perfect, and in hesitating, we are blocking the light that would otherwise have shown up with our imperfect offering!
This is just a thought I hope to keep in mind to help me avoid hesitation when I want to do good, but am afraid.
***Photo by Joe Gardner on Unsplash
Friday, January 8, 2021
I Love You Because...
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Naturally Derek is wearing shorts -- January is close to spring right? This is taken from the North side of the house. Once the floors are poured the framing can start (I think). |
Thursday, January 7, 2021
My Adventures With A Prayer Journal
I have liked the idea of a prayer journal for a long time, but haven't ever felt like I used mine successfully. I occasionally write prayers in it, which can be useful, but writing down what I need to pray about hasn't helped as I don't remember to refer to it. Finally, as I contemplated how I could better communicate with Heavenly Father in the morning when I feel like I'm semi-incoherent, sometimes fall asleep, and rarely wake up grateful, I took to researching routines and prayer journals and I came up with a plan to try. I'm on day two so you can just realize that I don't exactly have a long history of success! Two days is better than zero though, and some good conversations with my sisters have helped me come up with things I want to find a way to add.
So first, I had to give in and set my alarm for earlier. No! Don't stop reading now! Maybe you wouldn't have to do that! I just could not figure out another reliable way to get some undistracted, uninterrupted minutes. Second, I started trying to find a good wake up song. My sisters helped me find some good songs, and I know some, but my mood isn't always the same and so the last two days I've just asked our Alexa to play hymns that came to mind. I've found good versions of a couple of hymns I love that way!
Finally, out come the scriptures and the journal. The idea I got from Pinterest (yes, I'm still a fan), was to:
1. Start by writing 5 things to praise God for along with the scripture references. This is a good exercise as it reminds me that God is smarter, stronger, more powerful, and more loving than me and that He cares about His creations.
2. I am to list five things I am thankful for from the day before. This morning was one of those nice days when more things kept coming to mind -- so I didn't stick to 5 and could have written more.
3. I am to confess. The person on Pinterest said to be specific. Not just confessing gluttony for example, but "I ate 5 pieces of cake" or whatever the real thing was. She said to confess 5 things too I think, but I just try to contemplate anything I might need to confess from the day before.
4. Repent. The idea here is to look at the things I confessed (or you because, no offense, I'm probably not going to write mine on here!) and decide what can be done to turn back to God in those areas. For example, If I confessed to eating 5 pieces of cake, I would repent by deciding to take care of the body God blessed me with better and not going crazy with the cake eating -- and maybe even eat a vegetable or two!
5. List 5 people, things, or situations that you can use help with that day. I like this because it gives me a purpose of the day. Which 5 things should I ask for guidance for and focus on?
6. Turn my day over to God. Let Him have my time and add to or take away from my 5 things as He sees fit. This requires listening for thoughts and ideas that may be inspiration and then following through.
7. My sister Jenny has a favorite quote. It goes, "When the mind is still, the soul speaks." She takes time every day to meditate on the fact that she is God's child. He knows her and loves her. She takes the time to feel that love. This is the part I need to make sure to add. Doing the above things, especially one and two, help me to feel God's love for me, and (with my whole 2 days of trying), this way of starting my morning has given me a focus and a purpose and the chance to contemplate better what I can do to better give my life to my Savior who gave His life for me!
*The Pinterest Post was by "Farm Girl Journals"
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Word of the Year: Seasons
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Me, Kayli and Teddy on a hike up Santaquin Canyon |
Towards the end of last year I talked about Seasons and how I was studying each season and trying to come up with a health plan that revolved around the Seasons. I decided at some point that my word of the year would be Seasons. I even got a wall calendar called "SEASONS" that has beautiful pictures of each month.
One of the things that I am trying to implement as a part of my winter Season is getting outside more -- and specifically into parks and canyons if possible. This gets me into nature to see the beauty that exists in winter, and it gets me a bit of sunshine. Kayli and Derek are very helpful with this. It helps to have a Teddy that needs some exercise. I need it too -- but I enjoy it less than he does!
I hiked Santaquin canyon with Kayli one day and with Kayli, Derek, Jake and Dan the next day. I was more tired the second day and cried on the hike, which I was hoping I was past doing. Sigh. Kayli was very kind (she was the one walking with me). I have issues with being the slowest that I am working on dealing with in a better way (like being okay with being slow).
All of the pictures above are from Santaquin Canyon. Today we went up Payson canyon and I didn't get any pictures -- but Dan did. He tried to send them to me, but they haven't arrived. The Canyons are beautiful. Today I didn't cry, but I turned around and went down before everyone else. Instead of getting in the car though, I went up into the woods above the car where there wasn't a trail and tromped around. I like woods in the snow, and I like walking among the trees and making my own trail so I thought that was fun.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Christmas Day
Celebrating Christ's birth has always found us giving and receiving presents. There are moments in each Christmas Season that I find feel more like the celebration of Christ's birth, but mainly this time, it was a feeling of gratitude for time with family. Here are the pictures from that day.
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This is towards the end of the day. I think the pictures are in backwards order. We were watching a movie -- or getting ready to maybe. |
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Trisa brought in a mattress for the movie and was quickly joined by Chewy and by Teddy! |
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Mike in the kitchen opening something? :-) |
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Trisa, Jake, and Kayli with their piles of stuff. Derek's legs:-) |
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Cute Tia and the mess before it could get cleaned up. |
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Derek trying on Kayli's gift from Brit and Kota. |
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Kayli in her own gift. That robe is really, really soft! |
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Tia and Mike opening their presents. |
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Jake and Kayli opening their presents. |
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Trisa and Jake opening their presents with Teddy watching Kayli. |
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Derek trying to dig the last gifts out from under the tree. This picture makes me smile. You can also see Dan's back and Chewy. |
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Tia and Mike. Tia is sitting with "Baby Yoda" who is really Grogu. |
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Mike and Tia again. |
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My Derek! |
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Chewy, Trisa, Dan, Teddy and Jake |
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Dan, Kayli and the Dogs. |
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Dan by stockings. |
That is all of the pictures I have. It was my camera which explains why there weren't any of me. I got nice gifts too. We waited for Tia and Mike before opening our gifts. We just enjoyed our stocking gifts, and breakfast, etc. until then. It's a good thing they showed up when they did. Patience was starting to disappear! We had to wake Jake up this year! There was only Jake in the basement and no sleepover except Trisa in Kayli's room and so there was no race up the stairs or anything. It was different, but it was a nice day. We usually have Derek's sister Erin and her husband Russell and their family over on Christmas Day, but it was Covid year and so we played a couple of games with them over the computer and called it good -- but we missed seeing them in person!
Monday, January 4, 2021
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve day seemed long. I don't even remember what we did! On Christmas Eve we were able to go over to Derek's parents house in the evening and take some pizza with us. We wore our masks until we had food and we were sitting at a different table than his parents, but it was nice to get to do a little something that was "normal" for us to do.
After dinner Derek read out of a journal Derek's Mom had him write in years ago and so we could enjoy his perspective as a 16 year old at Christmas time, and then we went downstairs and sang songs to my girls playing the piano or me playing guitar until it was time to hurry to the cemetery where more family showed up and we sang Silent Night by family grave stones in the candle light. The cemetery is always beautiful on Christmas Eve with candles everywhere!