Thursday, September 15, 2011

Family Fun in Idaho

     No summer is complete for us without a trip to Idaho.  Unfortunately, our summer was so busy we didn't make it there during summer vacation.  Fortunately, we figured out a way to fit the trip in later.  We left right after school on Thursday (Aug. 25) and had the kids skip their first Friday of school.  Trisa and Tia were not able to come, but the rest of us had fun.  Here are some of the highlights of our trip.

     We stopped at my parents house for dinner on the way to and from Idaho.  The food was delicious both times, and it was "Dan safe" including the Oreo "cake" to celebrate Dan's birthday number 5.
     Friday the kids played a lot and Derek and I got to attend the Rexburg Temple with Chris and Tina.  It was a blessing to get to go and it was nice to spend a little time with Tina and Chris.  W also enjoyed delicious Jamba Juices afterwards.  Tina's carrot one was not really making me jealous.

     We got to see their new beehive.
Emma handled the bees, Kayli got near them because she was in a suit.  Derek, Connor and Stephen could look into the hive from above.

Emma, Kayli, and lots of honey bees
     We got to see the chickens and watch the roosters strut around cock-a-doodle-dooing.  This is funny if you are not the one being woken up at four or five every morning.
Handsome Rooster

Stephen and Connor in the chicken coop.

Connor gazing lovingly at the chicken

Connor being amazed that he is holding a chicken.
     Saturday was also fun.  Chris and Derek took some of the kids on what was apparently a fabulously awesome hike (thanks Chris).  They went to a cave that had a wind tunnel.  Derek had me buy so many sweets for the hike that the sugar buzz alone should have kept them happy. While they were off seeing beautiful things Tina and I took some boys and went to the splash park.  They rode the carousel before getting wet.  Seeing the cute boys waving at us from their horses on the carousel was probably my favorite part of that trip, though it was kind of funny when Jake accidentally squirted me in the face when I told him it was about time to go.

     That night we had a big family dinner with my sister Tina and my brother Brian's families and that was really fun too.  We spent quite a bit of time trying to think of ways that the roosters (that were supposed to have been hens) could meet their demise without Christopher feeling guilty.  We obviously weren't successful as, last I heard, the roosters were still strutting around cock-a-doodle-dooing.

     Sunday was spent at church with Brian's family.  That Relief Society room was about the temperature of the Antarctic in the winter, but Brian found me a nice lady to sit by and the lesson was good.  I can't remember the trip home.  I think I had trouble staying awake and was glad that Derek was able to make the trip without falling asleep.  It was good to be home, but we are glad that we fit in some good family fun in Idaho.



Megz said...

Sounds like a fun trip. And if you wanna get technical you were still in summer!

stephanie said...

Good times! Trips are even more fun for kids if they know they are missing school. SO the timing of it sounds perfect!

Saimi said...

Ah I'm jealous you were able go to Rexburg! I have two sons and a daughter in law there!!

I absolutely love the Rexburg temple especially in the winter. It looks like a ice castle!

Happy Birthday to Dan!!