Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety-Jog

Picture of Trevor from facebook (Thanks Haven!)
Last week we were in St. George welcoming home our nephew Trevor from his mission in Brazil.  He might have gone to the market there, but I seriously doubt it was to buy a fat hog (in case you recognize the nursery rhyme title).  He did mention having a pig's ear put on his plate once.  He couldn't tell us how it tasted because he lost his appetite.  Missions are good, and they are challenging.  Trevor learned Portuguese, and how to get along with various companions.  He learned how to share the gospel with as many people as were willing to stop and listen, and I'm sure he learned a lot of things that I am not aware of.

The message he gave in his homecoming talk was very similar to the one he gave before he left.  It's all about family.  Every person on the planet is a son or daughter of God and therefore they are our brothers and our sisters.  It is our job to love them even when they aren't really lovable, and to help them to learn where we all came from, why we are here on Earth, and what happens after we die.  We get to teach the great plan of happiness to all who will listen, and we get to love no matter what.

It was really fun to see Trevor.  His hair still looks perfect every time I see it, and he still plays the piano with impressive skill.  He still is good at listening to Dan, and at being kind and cheerful.  We are glad to have him home again, but we are also very thankful that he went.

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