Monday, September 23, 2019

Intentional Possibilities

Teddy was looking for treats among the balls because of a game
Kayli played with him.  (He was intentionally looking because of the possibility of a treat :-)

I love the word intentional almost as much as I love the word possibilities.  I love the word possibilities because, when I feel stuck, it is helpful for me to know and believe that there are possibilities.  Things that will help me get unstuck.  I might not know what those possibilities are, but if I believe there are some, it makes a difference and makes them easier to find.

I love the word intentional because I like the idea of intentional living.  Of being careful to notice if I'm falling into bad patterns, and if I do get to feeling stuck, intentionally looking for the possible ideas or actions that will help me, and intentionally ordering my life in the healthiest, happiest way I know how.

These things aren't necessarily easy, but the word possibilities reminds me that there are options, and the word intentional reminds me that I have a lot of control over my life, and what I choose to do with it.

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