Thursday, September 12, 2019

Never A Burden

Correction:  The Broken Rake story was told by Ganel-Lyn Condie, not Julie de Azevedo Hanks (like I wrote originally).  Julie does do a lot of work to help people who are dealing with depression, but it is Ganel-Lyn's experience I shared.

If you would like to hear Ganel-Lyn Condie speak about the suicide of her sister and her desire to let everyone know that they can be very broken and still not be a burden, you can click here.  I cried my way through it.  You've been warned.

While I was listening to her I was remembering Derek's voice telling me that I am not a burden.  On hard days when I feel really depressed, and am way too focused on my imperfections (both physical and otherwise), I have had those words come back to me, and it has lifted a weight that I didn't know I carried.  Nobody wants to feel like they are so much trouble that it outweighs their value.  So I add my voice to Ganel-Lyn Condie's voice.  No matter how broken you are, and how much of a burden you feel you are to others -- you are NOT a burden.  That is your depression speaking.  You are a blessing, and God can mend broken things!

Hope is never lost.  Healing is possible.  Please stay and let us love you.

***Photo by Colter Olmstead on Unsplash

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