Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Labor Day Weekend

First, we celebrated by watching the Onion Days fireworks.

Then Kayli, Avery (one of Kayli's cousins), and I headed to St. George -- stopping in Cedar City on the way.
This is Travis having stake for lunch.
Chewy with Avery and Kayli with Trisa

Kayli and Connor.  We stopped off to see Connor and his apartment too.

Avery and Kayli with the unicorns in their Grandparent's garage. 
They liked going swimming!
I didn't get pictures of the whole weekend.  We were going to stay at the house associated with the above garage but the air conditioner wasn't working -- and it was an 108 degree day.  Trisa, Travis and Connor came to swim and stayed there playing games until evening.  When they left -- I left for my sister's house.  I was done being hot.  A couple of hours later I went and picked up Kayli and Avery who had decided that it was going to be impossible to sleep in a house that warm!  It is good that we have quite a few possible places to stay in St. George and that Jenny and Jeff didn't have any company!

The next day was Sunday, and my parent's 58th anniversary.  We went to church with them and then we had a family dinner in the clubhouse in my parent's neighborhood.  I forgot to take pictures and so I took these when I went to say goodbye on my way out of town.   Trisa and Connor came down after dinner to my parents house to see all of the projects they have finished.  They played games there and then came to Jenny's for a while too.  It was nice to see them!
Mom and Lizzie.  I happened to remember to take pictures while they were showing me the painting my Dad was getting ready to start!

My hard working Dad getting ready to paint.
Derek and the boys were doing our more traditional Labor Day / Onion Day weekend activities with family.  Here are a couple of pictures taken by Dan's Aunt Tonya.  Dan hates parades, but he enjoyed facing away from the parade while wearing noise cancelling headphones that were playing 80s music, and reading Snoopy.  That was a happy time!

Dan and random parade attenders trying to cool down in the shade.
It was a busy weekend but a good one!

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