Sunday, January 5, 2020

Amazing Grace

Life has, in some ways, seemed uncommonly hard lately -- but if I look at it differently, my life is uncommonly blessed.  I have had some health challenges, but none have been life threatening, and there are doctor's and physical therapists, and family members in abundance who help me. 

Family members and friends have faced health challenges, employment challenges, relationship challenges, and a whole pile of other things too.  I care what happens to them, and it is hard to watch people struggle, but all of us have plenty to eat, warm places to stay, family who loves us, cars to drive, and the hope of better things to come. 

Most importantly, all of us have a Savior, and even though some days or weeks or months it may seem that He is hiding, He really wants to be found, and maybe all we need to do is find a different perspective, have compassion for ourselves and others, and seek the amazing grace that is there for us.  If we can't see the light right now, maybe we can at least envision it, hope for it, and trust that eventually the light will push out the darkness. 

Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

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