Thursday, January 9, 2020

Compassion For Self

I have recently run across a few books and articles about compassion for self.  I could have done better at having compassion for myself yesterday.  I felt sorry for myself because I was tired, had a headache, am on crutches, and everything seemed hard.  I felt less than I "should" be because I had cleaned out Dan's backpack and realized how much sooner it should have been done, and how much work he was now trying to catch up on while not feeling well, and I thought a good parent would have done better at helping him figure out how to manage his work.  Neither of these ways of thinking was compassion.

If I were to have compassion for myself I believe that I would see clearly those feelings of being less than I should be, and the feeling of overwhelm, or wishing for things to be different, and I would have been able to love this person who was struggling through a hard day the best she could.  I would have talked to myself kindly, letting myself remember hope, and the love of a patient and loving Heavenly Father.  I would not look backwards and waste time wishing I had been and done better back then.  I would focus on what I could do that would help now, and the fact that I can do better going forward.

There were moments of joy yesterday in a hard day.  Times when I could feel love shining on me and soothing the hurt.  There was compassion and care from others, and moments when I remembered that it is okay to have compassion for me.  I am grateful for moments like that to bring me back to hope, peace, and love.

**Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

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