Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Enjoying The Rain

I was at the pharmacy once when one of the workers said, "When it rains it pours?" because I'd been in more than once on the same day and they knew about a couple of things that "hit" our family all at once.  I smiled and said something like, "Yes!  It's been raining a lot at our house lately, but we keep on smiling!"  And at least at that moment it was true.  I felt happy.  Hard things happen, but good things are learned, or strength is gained, or support is given, and not everything hard is bad.  Besides, there are more good things than not.  "Rain" can be beautiful even if we were hoping for sunshine.  And rain is necessary for growth.

Some days, admittedly, things happen and it feels more like baseball sized hail stones than rain, but if we don't give up on finding the good in things then eventually that sun is going to come out.

Photo by michael podger on Unsplash

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