Friday, January 17, 2020

The Health Team

I was talking to my sister Tina yesterday and commented about having a whole team of doctors that I've gone to in the last couple of years.  I think that anyone who has this many people helping with their health should feel great!  I do feel great!  At least right now.  Just for the record, I thought I would try to list as many kinds of medical professionals who have been on my health team the last couple of years as I can.

1.  My main "Dr." who is really the best nurse practitioner ever.
2.  Radiologists -- those who do mammograms, x-rays, and MRIs and the doctors who read them.
3.  2 surgeons (one for a lumpectomy and one for a hysterectomy)
4.  Radiation Oncologist and his nice minions who actually do the radiation treatments.
5.  Medical Oncologist
6.  Allergist
7.  Sports Doctor
8.  2 physical therapists
9.  Another nurse practitioner
10.  A couple of physician assistants.
11.  Lots of Medical Assistants and nurses -- including the medical oncologist's nurse who I see more often than I see him.
12.  Pharmacists (shout out to my favorite Mountain View Pharmacy where I'm often greeted by name).
13.  Phlebotomists.  I feel like there has been a whole herd of these -- kind of like nice vampires who always say "A little poke" and then proceeding to stab me with a needle that feels like a sharp straw, root around for a while, and ask if I'm ok.  I just moan a yes.  Some phlebotomists actually do give a little poke that doesn't hurt much.  Some -- let's just say I might run if I saw them coming at me with a needle again.
14.  Chiropractor
15.  Optometrist
16.  Cardiologist

I think that's all, and it doesn't count the ones I've gone to with my children because those are their health team.  The interesting thing to me is that, for as many doctors as I have, I'm pretty sure there are people out there who have more!  I wish them only the super talented phlebotomists and the most kind and concerned nurses and doctors!  I am thankful for mine who have done a good job of being concerned, interested, caring and helpful.

Photo by Luis Melendez on Unsplash

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