Monday, March 2, 2020

An Insight

Sunday at church I had an insight that I hope I can explain well enough that if I read it again later it will make sense, and be helpful again.  I was contemplating Jesus' Atonement and how Christ conquered death and sin, and took our infirmities and bore our sickness (Matt. 8:17).

I was focused on the physical ailments we all have at one time or another.  I image I was contemplating this because it was particularly painful to sit during Sacrament Meeting, and I am aware that many suffer physical pain every day, and even every moment.

What struck me is that the most important thing to focus on is the spiritual.  Christ gave us the gift of resurrection.  When it is our turn to be resurrected, all of our physical ailments will be gone.  That doesn't mean we shouldn't be taking care of our bodies.  On the contrary, they house our spirits and affect our ability to feel the Spirit, to learn, serve, and think.  However, I thought that I needed to remember not to feel too sorry for myself over the physical things, or get too frustrated, because in the end, that is already taken care of.  I should do my best, no matter how aggravating the circumstances, to use any physical ailment to grow spiritually.  To learn to focus on love, and joy, and growth, and not on frustration, pain, sorrow, and plain grumpiness!  Of course, this is much easier said than done, but it is a good thing to remember.

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

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