Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Market Beautiful

It was obviously windy and my jacket looks
so big that I wonder if I wore Derek's!
Nobody mentioned the green string!
Saturday Derek and I went to The Market Beautiful at the SLC Fairgrounds.  Derek had been home sick all but one day that week, and wasn't feeling his best, but he gamely drove us up there.  The Market Beautiful is an indoor flea market.  There are quite a few antiques, but there are new things too.  I learned about it online and Derek agreed to come with me to see what it was like.

It was interesting, but should maybe have been called "The Market Crowded".  Apparently this is a popular event!  You pay to get in, and if you are a true shopper you pay to get in an hour early.  When we arrived there were already people hauling piles of things to their cars.  One person had a whole bunch of tin watering cans.  Some had wooden boxes, or old furniture. 
The dog toy was kind of
like this.

I enjoyed seeing all of the things that reminded me of the past.  There was a dog pull toy like one I think my family had, and Derek thinks Grandma Heelis had.  There was a fisher price airplane that you pull, and a fisher price circus.  There were plates like my grandma's and a little wooden chair that reminded me of a little rocking chair at my grandma's house that I had forgotten about.  There were old Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books and an old stove that looked like my Grandma Cain's stove.  It is fun to see how old things can trigger memories that would otherwise stay hidden!

Derek and I only bought two things.  A strawberry ricotta hand pie for him and an apple salted caramel hand pie for me.  They were really expensive and really delicious.  I enjoyed every bite of mine except the one apple slice that sadly fell to the ground in the parking lot.  As Derek pointed out, "There is no five second rule in a parking lot."  I don't think we'll need to go to The Market Beautiful again.  It was too crowded for us.  But it was a good thing to try!

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