Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Listen and Love

I think it is natural for us to want to fix the problems of the people we love.  We look at their life from the outside and it seems so simple!  Why can't they see that all they need to do is ... (fill in the blank).  But life is more complicated than that, and we are not always as wise as we think we are.  Most often, the best thing we can do is listen to try to understand, and love people where they are without telling them how they could "get better".  I know that I have made the mistake of counseling when I really just didn't understand and when my counsel hadn't been asked for.  My intentions were good, but all I managed to do is show that I thought I was above them in some way. Generally people want someone to walk beside them and love them how they are.  We are, at least most of us, perfectly capable of knowing where we are failing, and maybe even how we "should" fix it.

In the leadership meeting I attended this past weekend, we were reminded to let people tell their story and not to judge.  Just listen, and love.  We suffer and mourn with those that mourn by listening without judgment, and showing love and acceptance.  I think it takes a lot of humility sometimes to listen and to realize that we do not know the best way to handle someone elses life!  We can not know all of their circumstances.  The best we can do is to lead them to the One who does.  To love them to Christ who can heal them when we cannot.  I really want to be someone who listens and to loves, and testifies of the One who heals.

*Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

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