Sunday, January 1, 2023

A Word For The New Year

I like to pick a word every year that represents something I want to work on.   This past year was "hospitality".  I read a few books on it that I really enjoyed!  I still have a few to finish, but it's okay to still read them:-).  I generally try to work on one word, and then keep working on all the past things as much as possible.  The plan is to learn something I can keep using, or create habits that I can keep up with.

When I pick words, I have learned that it has to be something that I want to work on or not much will happen except guilt for not doing anything.  I also allow myself to pick a new word any time in the year if the one I chose isn't working like I hoped, but usually when I hit upon the word I want to work on, I feel joy, and peace, and excitement for the learning and practicing ahead of me!

This year, after reading a book my sister Tina gave me called "The Power of Fun", it struck me that I want to play more.  I can't choose fun, because the thought makes me panic.  What if I don't have fun when I play?  What if I forgot how?  On the other hand, I can play more, and try to give myself more chances to have fun, to laugh, and smile, and connect with people I love.  So this year my word is "Play".  

Today I played a game with Kayli and Jake that Kayli got for Christmas.  I do think it was fun.  The game is called "The Worst-case Scenario" and it was funny.  We have to put worst-case scenarios in order according to what we think is bad and awful, etc.  We also take turns guessing what others picked.  The scenarios were really pretty ridiculous.  I doubt I'll have the opportunity to be shot out of a cannon, or paddle a canoe through a river of crocodiles, or have to spend the night in a port-a-potty at a construction site any time soon!

We saw goats at the Christensen reunion too.

I do have fun sometimes!  This past year both reunions provided good fun.  I felt like I was in college again at the Christensen reunion while I played volleyball and ran in the grass barefoot playing kick ball!
Brian is awesome.
He was a great
  At the Fuller reunion the combination of lots of wonderful family with my brother being Elvis and singing made for a rollicking good time for me!

Whether you choose a word, a list of goals, or nothing at all, I hope you have a year of joy.

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