Thursday, January 12, 2023


Teddy has pretty much taken over the bean bag.
He was a little sleepy and is always cute.

 Today was sunny which was really nice.  It was not warm.  But it was sunny.  And, through the sunshine, a whole flock of giant turkeys came flying across the canyon to our yard.  I mentioned yesterday that I like to see those big birds fly - and I do!

Today was driving practice with Dan.  He drove us to the antique store in Spanish Fork, and we walked around in there for a while.  I enjoy seeing old things.  I would enjoy buying them if they didn't cost so much and if I needed them.

Later I got to go and visit one of my friends named Maria.  I have two friends named Maria.  This one has a new grandbaby girl who is beautiful.  She is maybe 7 weeks old and was really cute and smiley while I was talking to her.  I love babies and I always enjoy talking to Maria.  A win for me!

Later I did my Christmas dog puzzle.  Derek helped me finish it.  After that we watched BYU almost win the game against Gonzaga.  Sigh.  So close!   

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