Monday, January 9, 2023

Dan and The Wright Brothers

Dan and I are reading The Wright Brothers by David McCullough for a part of his school.  It is very well written and Dan and I are both enjoying it.  It is fascinating to me how the Wright brothers could so consistently be curious and fascinated enough with flight to write to experts, do experiments, build models, and then test models on the beach.  They did this while running their bicycle shop to earn money for all they did.   They did it even though the beach at Kitty Hawk wasn't necessarily a comfortable place to live!  Once an awful cloud of mosquitoes came that they couldn't get away from (Yikes!) They lived in tents for months, cooking over a fire.  It sounds like a miserable adventure!  I'm sure some of it was really fun, but wow!  I wonder what it would be like to be so very determined to learn to do something nobody has done before, and many people said was impossible!

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