Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Chauffeurs


Derek and Kayli getting the headboard in the right place.
Kayli is decorating her room.  The wall paper has to wait a little.

Today was full of Sunday snow.  We had made plans with people for them to come and visit but the roads weren't plowed yet and it didn't seem safe.  Luckily Jake has his new all wheel drive and has practice driving in snow, even in the dark, so he went to get his grandparents.  Later Kayli and Jake went and got Connor and Amanda in the truck.  Kayli called to warn us that the roads weren't good and so Derek and Dan took Grandparents home in Jake's car (they'd been here a couple of hours by then).  After dinner, moving Kayli's heavy, repainted headboard to her room, and a game, Jake and Dan are off again to drive Connor and Amanda home.  I bet Jake didn't know he was going to end up being a Chauffeur just because he has the car that drives in snow the best!

I am thankful that they have been safe and that the car and the drivers allowed us to visit with people that we love, and would love to see more!

Connor trying out Kayli's weighted blanket.

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