Sunday, February 12, 2023

Jake's Happy Birthday


Jake with his birthday loot
Jake does not love being the center of attention, but it was his birthday and so he had to endure a little bit of that!  He opened his presents before his grandparents, older brother, and Tia and Brigham came, and after they did came and we had dinner, he cheated and blew out his candles before we were done singing so I couldn't take a picture of it!  Dan missed the singing all together!  I think Jake was trying to avoid getting wax on his cake since I was running around trying to find my phone. (Imagine me not knowing exactly where it is at all times :-/

Jake is a hard worker, a great son and brother, and has a gift for being able to figure out how things fit together.  He has always had great spacial awareness!  Thus his ability to walk at 9 months and to do scary things without falling.

Jake, Kayli, and Trisa.  The big windows don't always make for great pictures!
Also, when Brigham was here, he was very interested in having some of Jake's donuts!

Jake having cheated and blown out his candles while we were singing.

Derek laughing that Jake had already blown out the candles :-)

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