Monday, February 20, 2023

Sunday: Enjoying Brigham -- plus Monday


I had taken to using my Uke like a drum while Brigham tried to put his hand in the hole.
He likes to point at my ukelele hanging on the wall and spend a couple of minutes on my lap playing the ukelele while he is here.  I count it as snuggle time!

I'm sure that you all enjoy my one grandson as much as I do right?  Also, so that I can say I'm caught up, today I cleaned more stuff, did laundry, and while folding laundry, watched quite a few episodes of a show where they fix up old houses in Galveston Texas.  I did dishes too.  What a thrilling day.  Then I felt sad and sorry for myself for a while, took a shower, ate, and watched a movie with the family.  Vacation, such as it was, is over and it's time to get back to a normal schedule.  Happy President's Day!

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