Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Parent / Teacher Conference

Kayli, Connor, and Jake all had parent teacher conference today. Since I've been told I need to brag on my kids more I will say that, as usual, the teachers wish that all of their students were just like my children. Good grades, and charming too. Hooray for them! Also, Tia auditioned for a spot in a choir called Serendipity and made it. Tenth grade should bring some good singing.


cold cocoa said...

Did I expect anything less from those gifted Christensen children?
Now I just need to see some pictures of their smiles and maybe an audio file of Tia singing...

Megz said...

Good job kiddies! We had such good SEPs as well that I couldn't resist buying a few books at the Book Fair as a reward. Better than a Frostee, but sadly not as cheap. I'm a sucker for those dang book fairs.....