Saturday, January 17, 2009

Car Show

A long time ago Derek and I started a tradition of going to the car show -- mainly because Derek loves cars. After a while I learned to enjoy it. We always look for the car we would look the best in -- nevermind that it is almost always a car we wouldn't ever buy. Our tradition was interrupted by pregnancies and births so much that Derek had a new tradition of going with his work buddies. This year we revived the old tradition and I went. So -- which car would I look the best in? I couldn't make up my mind. I was decidedly fond of black cars yesterday but I liked the red ones too. Yes, I do know that colors aren't the same as kinds but I'm better at naming colors than kinds. Derek was kind of silent about which car he would look best in. I'm lousy at types of cars but I believe the above red car is a Ferrari. I suspect Derek would love to drive one which is why I took the picture. This fell into the category of too expensive a car to let lots of people sit in -- so we could only look.
I mostly didn't add pictures of Derek because I took lousy ones. I thought this ended up to be kind of funny -- he was talking. I'm not sure what fancy car he is standing in front of.
I had to sit in a smart car. It feels quite roomy inside so you can drive -- almost unaware of how tiny the car is and that you might be in danger of being squashed like a bug by a bigger vehicle -- but parking would be great!
As is usual for me, I am unaware of which car this is -- but I would look mighty fine driving it -- don't you think?

This is a Saturn Sky. I asked Derek about four times yesterday and the name finally sunk in. Wouldn't it be fun for me to drive on a warm sunny day -- with the wind blowing through my short hair (hey -- I used to have long hair and wind whipping through long hair isn't that fun).
I also liked the black Mustang but I honestly don't think I'd love driving it since the view out the front has a little too much hood. Some of the sports cars were like driving in a cockpit and I really prefer cars with very good visibility. At the car show though -- I try to put these practical issues aside and just decide which car looks the best with me in it -- or is it which car I look the best in?


Megz said...

We saw the car show on the news and Leon started salivating. Next time will you take him with you?
I think what you really need is a nice red or black minivan. To go with your ferrari, that is.

cold cocoa said...

You would look great with your short hair gelled enough to look sleek in your bright yellow (yes, yellow!) Ferrari.
What a good wife you are to accompany your husband. I'm hoping you got to pick the restaurant after?

Marcy said...

I'm glad you reinstated the date to the car show. Sounds like a good, inexpensive date to me and I like the spin of finding the car you look best in. BTW, I like you in the little white one, whatever that is. Very cute!!

Anonymous said...

Great Blog, how beautiful...the cars, that is. I love all your same movies and music, Michael Buble's voice just makes me swoon. Maybe we are kindred spirits! Unfortunately you can see what a deep blogger I am. My whish is that the pictures express what I don't currently have time to communicate.Thanks for your comments Sherie!

TisforTonya said...

The smart car is way cute... but I think the black whatever its make/model is really suits your complexion the best :)

I'm sure Quinn would love to go as well... maybe he and Leon can make a plan!

LC said...

I'd look best in a cobalt blue car. Did they have any of those. The white one was little and cute but yes, I would be afraid next to a semi on the freeway or my neighbors' suburbans.
What a fun tradition for you guys.

Anna said...

Oooh how fun! We're going to be needing a new car before too long, and it would be so fun to dream about the kind of car I would LIKE to have versus the one I SHOULD get. Someday I'm going to have a red Mini-Cooper with a black and white tile roof. And I will drive it to California, just for fun.

And hey, we need to hang out sometime.