I confess to feeling like the Zombie Mom today. In fact, I think I've been feeling like a Zombie Mom for a while. What's a Zombie Mom? It's someone who is giving a few too many blank stares and sitting in the chair almost every time they walk by it. It's me walking like a Zombie around the house (slowly -- but with hands hanging down instead of out in front of me -- unless it's dark). I whine. And frown. And I moan about the messes. I just want to go somewhere dark and curl up in a ball -- maybe for a whole day. So, am I stuck being a Zombie Mom forever? How will I cure the sad case of Zombi-itus?
Well, this morning early when Derek was supposed to be playing ball he threw the door open and in a less than cheery voice said "The house is flooded". The zombie climbed out of bed and went to work. But, in an attempt to send the Zombie running, I did notice that when we woke up the children they pitched right in and helped and when we called the neighbor (and maybe woke them up too) they came right over with their handy water sucking vacuums and even offered to stay even though it was time to get kids ready for school.
Other events have brought out the zombie side of me this week. Sick kids, (but now they're well -- mostly), van brakes needing repair (but they are fixed), the van window getting stuck down (but it miraculously recovered before a trip to the shop!), Dan being naughty (but he had to go in the tub because of it which allows me to type), the house getting messy (but -- well it's still messy), dinner needing to be cooked --every day (but I've done pretty well for me).
Today the Zombie is fighting hard to stick around. I've got to go use that vacuum again, and rescue Dan from his de-smellifying bath. There are a thousand and one things to pick up, clean up, and put away. But, I am determined to remember that it's November and that there are lots of people and things to be thankful for too. So, with Thanksgiving in mind I'm off to fight the Zombie.
I saw Tia's update on facebook - NOT the best way to start anyone's day!!! Glad you have good neighbors who can pitch in at a moment's notice!
Sounds like your zombie needs a little shot of Mt Dew.
Bummer about the flooding! What the heq happened??
In the dead of night, the water connection on the back of the fridge suddenly snapped (or something). Gallons and gallons of water proceeded to spread throughout the kitchen and laundry room, down the vents and into the family room. Why do things like that always happen at night when nobody is around to see that the water needs to be turned off?
How aweful! Good luck with the clean up. I liked the zombie mom description. I've been feeling that way a lot lately too.
Whoa. I can totally relate to Zombie mom.
What a mess. Is your carpet and flooring going to be okay ?
I think Zombies are soooo cool!
Our carpet is fine -- our linoleum is fine -- the sub floor under the linoleum is a bit swollen in spots. We're hoping it shrinks since the linoleum is fairly new.
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