Tuesday, January 25, 2022

This Hospitality Is For The Birds

These wild turkeys are the biggest birds our bird feeders attract.  They come because the other birds are messy and drop a lot of seed onto the floor. 

These little birds are, I think, house sparrows.  They show up in big groups, though it's hard for me to get a picture of the big group.  They see me move when I go to hold up my camera and they take off.  I spend a lot of breakfasts watching them eat, fly in a circle, and eat again.  They land on each others heads trying to get to the big birdfeeder!

Photo by Mark Olsen on Unsplash

I saw one of these cute birds the other day (a tufted titmouse).  I see mountain bluebirds quite often too.  Apparently they are known for being bird feeder bullies.  All of the other birds leave the bluebirds alone at the feeder most of the time.

I love watching the birds.  They are funny, entertaining, and beautiful.  They bring a little good cheer every time I watch them!

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