One thing I notice every time it is Jake's birthday is that he likes to avoid getting his picture taken and he seems to be good at it! |
Today is Jake's birthday. I asked him if he'd like me to call his work and tell them it is his birthday and he said "Absolutely not!" Of course, I knew he would say that. He was always pleased in high school if he could get through his whole birthday without anyone realizing it. He doesn't like to have the attention centered on him.
Quite a long time ago now, when it was Halloween time, I decorated our front porch and door as "The Bat Cave". We always joked that if we asked at dinner time who was Batman, all of our children would raise their hand. So, on the inside of the front and back door I hung a sign that said, "To The Rescue!" I was thinking last night that in our family, I don't know if there is anyone who is called on to come to the rescue in one way or another more than Jake.
A spider in your room, or the bathroom? "Jake, Jake, Jake!"
Something broken that needs to be fixed? "Jake!"
Need some help lifting something? "Jake!"
Need someone to walk with? "Jake!"
Need someone to talk to, or play a game with? "Jake!"
Need a hand building something? Running electricity? Digging holes? "Jake!"
Do you need help with your dog? "Jake!"
Perhaps you need someone good with children? "Jake!"
Or, you need someone who can do ridiculously hard things and never get sore muscles? Yes, that would be Jake too.
You get the idea. Jake is called on to do a lot of things at our house and he doesn't complain. Very occasionally, if he's been asked to do something over and over and over again and he's had it you might get a stubborn look that let's you know you might want to find someone else, but it is very rare!
This picture is old, but Jake spends a lot of time helping his Dad with projects!
I love Jake. I love how much his siblings are thankful for him, and how much he loves them in return. I love his smile and his sense of humor and his hugs. I love that he uses his talents to help all of us. We are all thankful for Jake and hope that he has a happy birthday!