Friday, February 2, 2024

Showing Gratitude With A Smile


Brigham's Nana found these pajamas for him on sale.  Do you think he likes them?

Naturally I absolutely love this picture of Brigham.  It is now my phone's lock and home screen.  I say something like "I love him so much!" every time I open my phone.  I just got thinking that it would be awesome if we all accepted gifts like Brigham -- with a huge smile!  When we gave him chapstick, he wanted it open and used it immediately.  When he's given a toy, he starts to play with it.  If he's brought a snack, he likely starts eating it immediately.

As a two year old he might lose interest just as fast and start throwing a tantrum five minutes later, but he is generally very good at receiving gifts.  It is fun to give gifts to people who are so happy to receive something.  I know I could learn from Brigham's example and be more openly happy over any gifts I receive.  Surely my gratitude won't be missed if I smile as big as Brigham did!

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