Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Marvelous Monday

Today is not over, but it has been a good day even though I didn't wake up with a lot of energy.  I was contemplating how I could be better at pushing myself to exercise more since it's the only thing I can think of that will really help with my energy levels.  Eventually I just went with my current plan, which is to have an easy goal so that I can be good at meeting it over and over, and then I'll slowly bump it up -- and try for patience.

Today was laundry day, which I generally enjoy, and I had a lovely time dropping things off at D.I. and then going in and shopping.  I had some good finds!  I do not need more clothes, but I do like them!  It's pretty good when you can get 5 shirts and some Thanksgiving candlesticks for under $20 dollars!

I also enjoyed listening to a lesson on the computer while doing the dishes and folding more laundry.  Now the boys are home and are helping, and I even have a dinner plan and a plan for the evening.  I do love a good Monday! 

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