Sunday, November 3, 2019

Good Days With Bad Things In Them

Kayli wanted a picture
of Teddy yesterday while she 
was at work.  He kept
licking my face which made it
a little hard to take.  That
might explain my weird face.
Today (Saturday) started super early with an alarm going off under our refrigerator.  Yes, you read that right.  It is a water sensor that sets off an alarm if it gets wet.  The fridge was leaking from the back and the alarm went off at 5:30 a.m.  So today I am thankful that the alarm caught it before water was all over and leaking into the downstairs, that we could turn off the water and go back to bed, and that Derek knew how to fix it.

I am thankful that Derek and I were able to go out and eat and visit and plan.  I am grateful for his listening ear and his love and kindness.  I am thankful that Dan had a friend who could come over, and that Jake knows how to drive so he could go to Walmart and we didn't have to.  I'm glad I could talk to Trisa for a few moments and she could tell me cute kindergarten stories.  I am glad to be home, and glad for a day that was sunny.  I have been tired, and a bit grouchy today, but it wasn't a bad day.  Maybe there are no bad days.  Just good days with bad things in them :-)

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