Monday, November 18, 2019

The Belated Before Picture

I was trying to figure out what in the world to write about today and so I was going through old pictures and found a picture of the kitchenette when it was being torn out.  So it's before it was a library, but when it was done being a kitchenette.
I think this is pretty close to the time that we met Mike (Tia's husband).  He helped carry out the whole cabinets.  The library has gotten a lot more use for it's real purpose than the kitchenette ever did I think, and we've had it for a much shorter time!
I've posted this picture before.  But I don't want to go downstairs and take a picture of the full shelves and the messy bed.  The bed gets used quite a lot.  I am thankful for a beautiful, useful space!

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