Sunday, February 16, 2020

Fun Making Fairy Houses

I wish I had remembered to get a picture of everyone working on their houses -- but I only managed to get Avery!  I love Avery!  We also had Trisa, Tia, Kayli, Amanda, Connor, and Me.  You can see that our table was full of stuff!

I had two large pots in my shed.  I started one a week or two ago and Kayli gamely started the other.  Connor was tasked with finishing that one, and Kayli got a smaller one to do.  Connor and Tia and maybe Amanda are planning to work on theirs tomorrow.

This is Trisa's.  So cute!

This is the other side of Trisa's.  The door.

This is Avery's.  I think her fairies like a little bling!

The other side of hers.

The one on the left is Amanda.  I wonder how many of you will know why she painted the door that way!  The one on the right is mine.

Of course, if you have a fairy house, you should have at least one fairy!
I have 4.  I had fun picking fairies for the girls -- trying to find something they would like.
I forgot to take pictures of them though.  Trisa's had two fairies reading together, Tia's had a fairy doing another fairy's hair, Kayli's had some animal friends, Avery's was playing the harp (and had some animal friends), Amanda's had two fairies and I could imagine the bigger fairy helping the younger one be happy!  Amanda's Mom couldn't come but I gave her a girl fairy and a boy one because she has two kids; a girl one, and a boy one :-)
We made a pretty good mess -- but it was fun!

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