Friday, February 21, 2020

Testing Out Refinishing Methods

Today, after accomplishing lots of awesome things, I decided to start working on my table.  I wanted to see if removing layers of paint with chemicals, or the sander would work better.  Which method would win?
I added the goo (not it's real name) to one side of the table before lunch, and went out to try scraping it about 2 hours later.
Before scraping, I started sanding the other side of the table with the belt sander.  That thing is powerful!  It could probably pull me around the block!  Naturally my arms are sore, and they would be muscular if muscles grew really fast.  When my arms were super tired of sanding I scraped, and when I was discouraged with scraping I sanded.  I finally gave up on the goo and tried cleaning it up.  That didn't work so well.  The goo turned the paint to the consistency of chewing gum.

In the goo's defense, it is supposed to be used in warmer weather.  It also could have been left on all night, which may have been a better plan because of the cold.  Or it could have made it worse.  Who knows?  I at least learned a few things -- like it is easier to sand if I can kneel on the table to keep the sander from pulling it here and there.  I also learned what I should have realized.  Sanding is a messy job!
I decided a shower and a change of clothes were in order.  Tomorrow I can get a different set of clothes dirty -- unless my arms need a day or two to recover:-)

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