Sunday, February 2, 2020

Making Space For Greater Joy

This pot was a D.I. treasure too.
I think it will look better with taller flowers
but it is pretty this way too.
"The joy the Savior offers [us] constant, assuring us that our 'afflictions shall be but a small moment' and be consecrated to our gain."  Our trials and afflictions can make space for greater joy."  (Elder Budge quoting Pres. Nelson)

I like this view of trials and afflictions.  It turns hard things from something that is just painful to something full of possibilities.  Possibilities for happy change, learning, growth, and a different perspective that can give us greater empathy, or a better view of our value.  With faith in our Savior we can look past the hard moments with hope for greater joy than we have experienced so far!

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