Friday, February 7, 2020

Quotes To Ponder

A long time ago I started reading Christian fiction as a way to learn a little something while enjoying a good story.  Last year I read a story called In Too Deep by Lynn H. Blackburn.  I took a screenshot of one page (since I was reading it digitally) so I could ponder a couple of quotes.  I still want to ponder them, without keeping track of the paper, and maybe you will enjoy pondering them too.
"If you're worried about having enough faith, then you're putting faith in yourself and of course you can fail.  But when you keep the focus on the God you believe in, then everything changes.  He's beg enough for all our doubts, fears, and questions.  He's big enough for our anger and our pain."
Then, after some discussion about how God allows bad things to happen and we often don't understand what possible purpose it could have the character says:
"I'm very intelligent.  I often start thinking I know the best plan because I've evaluated the plans on the table and chosen the one that makes the most sense.  Then when God doesn't do what I expected or what I think is best.  I get mad.
..."But God is infinite.  He's eternal.  He looks at a situation and doesn't see three or four possible paths to a solution.  He sees thousands.  And he can see that solution number five hundred eighty-two is best, and because he loves me, he chooses not to allow me to have the solution I chose.  No because I chose poorly, but because he's chosen the best." 
 Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash
(And I wonder how long I could sit on a stack of books like in the picture above without falling over!)

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