Thursday, January 25, 2018

Always a Goal

Picture from Google Images
I find it really interesting to hear people talk about goals.  Just like a lot of things, what works for some, doesn't work for others.  Some people profess to hate goals, or believe they don't work.  Some people, I think, just have a goal to do the best they can, and that's what they do, without anything too specific.  Since I decided to use one word goals, or really sometimes two or four word goals, I have better success.  I pick something that I really want to do, not something I think I "should" do.  I mentioned before that I didn't choose "Health" as a goal until I felt like I was really ready to work on it without dread.

So, as always, I have a goal for the year.  I chose, "Love more, love better".  I was trying to decide how to work on this because I need to be able to see if I'm making some progress.  As I thought about it, I realized that this goal is just like choosing to review, and keep practicing, my last 6 goals.  So every month I have something specific to work on from one of those six original goals, each goal getting 2 months.  I was careful to make sure that these little goals are things that not only help me make progress, but are goals that I really want to do.  It's really not as complicated as it may sound, and I'm quite looking forward to some of them!

So, whether you like to make goals or not, it never hurts to think about whether you are making progress in becoming the kind of person you really want to be.  If you are heading the direction you want to go, great!  If not, maybe you can think of one small goal that will get you closer to being the best you possible.

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