Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Today I looked at my goals in the four areas of physical, spiritual, social, and intellectual.  Since I had to look to remember what they were, you can imagine exactly how much those goals were helping!  I set them last March 1st, and I did them for a while, but it was time for a reset.  Thankfully, I believe in resetting goals any old time that they aren't helping!

I have been working on the word Joy for over a year now, and these still fit in with that word.  With my nice counselor I am working on focusing on good things and having compassion for myself.  Here's what sounded helpful to me today.

Intellectual:  Write down the evidence I find every day that God loves me.  I will finish up my gratitude journal this way, and I will be trying to notice every tender mercy that comes my way.  How is this intellectual?  It helps me focus my mind on the things I have to be grateful for which keeps me out of the negative thought patterns I am prone to on occasion.

Social:  Share God's Love.  In conversations I have, and through writing, I want to share the evidences I find that God loves me -- and all of you.

Spiritual:  Share God's words.  I have noticed lately how often the Doctrine and Covenants says that God's word is "quick and powerful, sharper than a two edged sword".  There is a lot of power in God's word and so I am planning to memorize a scripture a month and then share how the scripture has strengthened me.

Physical:  Gain energy and confidence.  I hesitate to talk about this one because some people look at my size and assume I am "in shape".  This is not the truth.  I am tired a lot, and don't have much stamina.  I hurt and can find lots of "good" excuses not to move much.  Moving is not always comfortable and I always wonder if the hurting means I am damaging me more, or just working out the kinks!  So I am adding a health plan to my current "seasons" plan -- which has helped my mood some but not quite enough.

So hooray for a reset!  

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